
SHEAR INNOVATORS is the shear sales division of Custom Sharpening By Hand Inc. Custom Sharpening has over years 40 years of experience, has serviced thousands of customers and is the Factory service center for Rusk and Mehaz. We have numerous brands from Kasho, Sharkfin, Above, our SliderTec and more.  We are Featuring some suggestions on shear that we feel are outstanding in the industry in both quality and price.  We have the ability and knowledge on how to assist you in your next shear purchase without the stress of wondering if is the best deal or shear for you! There are so many amazing shears on the market and just as many fakes and poor quality shears too. So let Shear Innovators help you in your next Shear purchase! Reach out to info@customsharpening.com for pricing on a shear we don’t have listed, have any question, or want a call from our team to help